The elevator is arguably one of the greatest inventions of all time. Imagine life without one. While taking the steps is good for exercise, imagine trying to climb up to the 19th floor of a building!
The elevator is arguably one of the greatest inventions of all time. Imagine life without one. While taking the steps is good for exercise, imagine trying to climb up to the 19th floor of a building! Climbing up that many flights would take much longer without this groundbreaking invention. The residential elevator is another fantastic invention that came decades later after many years of only commercial usage. You may use this wonderful invention every day and benefit from its convenience but did you know that the origins of the elevator go back as far as 3rd century B.C.? Keep reading for more interesting facts about the history of the commercial and residential elevator.
Elevators were first known as hoists. Humans, animals, and sometimes water powered the hoists. Some say that these vertical lifts built the pyramids in Egypt. Archimedes, a Greek mathematician, astronomer, and physicist may have been the first person to invent the elevator. Ropes and pulleys powered his invention as they wound around a winding drum via a capstan and levers. Hoists did not carry people and were mostly used as material lifts for carrying heavy loads.
Hydraulic and Electric Elevators
Elisha Graves Otis is most noted for creating the modern elevator as we know it today. Otis is also noted for introducing safety compliance to the world of elevators. His design included the use of brakes. The Otis Elevator Factory is the world’s largest manufacturer of vertical transportation systems even today. Eventually, elevators moved from steam power to hydraulics and electricity.
In 1880, a German inventor named Wener Von Siemens created the first electric elevator. Nine years later brings the first commercial elevator installation. Two years before this, the concept of doors opening and closing on an elevator came to life by Black inventor Alexander Miles who patented the technology on October 11, 1987.
The Residential Elevator
The first residential elevator dates back to 1929, with the installation taking place in a North American home. Residential elevators initially represented wealth as they were not popular in many homes due to expense. However, residential elevators have become more common and practical, as well as less expensive over the years.
The value of owning a residential or commercial mechanism is priceless. No longer is it the 1920’s where this device is affordable for only the rich. The elevator is accessible to anyone who needs it.
Preferred Elevator: We’re On the Up and Up!
For 11 years, Preferred Elevator has served residents in Central Maryland, Baltimore, and Washington, DC. You can rely on our experienced home installation team and quality products.
For our commercial elevator clients, we also provide annual inspections of your equipment to adhere to standards established by the state of Maryland. During these inspections, we make sure that your commercial mobility product is functioning correctly and efficiently. We’ll also go over all safety devices and customized features offered within your plan!
Get in touch with us! Our business hours are Monday-Friday 8 am -5 pm. Reach us by phone at 410-238-2555, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.