If you or your loved one(s) deal with limited mobility and have trouble transporting things from floor to floor, then you should indeed invest in a dumbwaiter.
Dumbwaiters offer many advantages for homeowners. Dumbwaiters assist with transportation for many products such as food, laundry, and sports equipment. When appropriately used, dumbwaiters are safe and reliable. If you or your loved one(s) deal with limited mobility and have trouble transporting things from floor to floor, then you should consider investing in a dumbwaiter. If you or loved one(s) already own a dumbwaiter and want to make sure that you’re using it correctly to maintain it for years to come, keep reading. Continue reading below as we share tips on how to use a dumbwaiter safely.
Read the Manual
Each device differs, such as in weight capacity and operation. Therefore, you should have a full understanding of how it works before operating. Naturally, our trained technicians will educate you on how to use your dumbwaiter properly and safely after installation. However, it’s always necessary to have the manual and utilize that as a resource to reference so that you never operate the lift in an unsafe manner.
Only Put Items on the Dumbwaiter That It’s Supposed to Carry
If your dumbwaiter is small in size or has a lower weight capacity, never load it with it too many items. Just like home elevators and stairlifts have weight limits, so do dumbwaiters. Usually, small trays of food and drinks are items transported in smaller dumbwaiters. For lots of grocery bags, laundry, luggage, and sports equipment, larger dumbwaiters are more appropriate.
Schedule Yearly Inspections
A misconception is that home modification devices within the residential setting do not need yearly inspections. If you suspect that your lift is not working as it should call for repair right away. Regularly scheduled inspections and not ignoring the need for servicing will help make your device as safe as it can be. We offer Annual Service Agreements for your dumbwaiters that include an Annual Full Service to ensure your equipment is in good working order.
Be Cautious of How You Clean Your Dumbwaiter
Make sure that you use cleaning products best suited for your unit. To clean the interior, you can use a damp cloth to clean out any spills that may have occurred. When in doubt, refer to your manual or ask a professional.
Preferred Elevator: We’re On the Up and Up!
For 14 years, Preferred Elevator has served residents in Central Maryland, Baltimore, and Washington, DC. You can rely on our experienced home installation team and quality products.
For our commercial elevator clients, we also provide annual inspections of your equipment to adhere to standards established by the state of Maryland. During these inspections, we make sure that your commercial mobility product is functioning correctly and efficiently. We’ll also go over all safety devices and customized features offered within your plan!