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Elevators installed with more than 4 inches of “gap space” between the hoistway doors and the elevator car doors can pose a serious safety risk. Children may become entrapped in the space and could be seriously injured or killed. This risk can be reduced with the proper installation of space guards at each floor.

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Here is How You Can Improve Home Elevator Safety

Home Elevator Safety Tips Preferred Elevator

Understanding Your Home Elevator Safety Features Can Give You Peace of mind

Today’s topic of discussion is home elevator safety. Home elevators are not an imminent threat within themselves. Over the past few years, elevator safety codes have changed to continue to make them better and safer. Plus, residential elevators come equipped with backup safety features to make the user’s experience safe and convenient. Home elevators are safe. However, being aware of their core features can help improve home elevator safety. Here are four home elevator safety tips that you should know. 

Take a Look at Your Home Elevator’s Door Gap

A 2016 ASME safety code reduced the gap size to look out for the safety of small children. No matter when your elevator was installed, you want to check the gap between the elevator’s interior and exterior doors. Recently, we’ve also discussed how a space guard can enhance your home’s elevator’s safety

Understand and Appreciate Your Home Elevator Safety Features 

The emergency battery and lowering device ensure that the lift will prevent entrapments if the power goes off as you’re using the elevator. The emergency battery enables the elevator to travel down to the bottom floor and allows its doors to open. A home elevator also has an alarm that you can activate by pushing a button inside the elevator. 

The door interlocks prevent a residential elevator from opening until it’s on its designated floor. The leveling system ensures that the elevator stops level with the floor, so there isn’t a tripping hazard, while the car door contact prevents the home elevator from running until its doors close entirely. If you have an outdated home elevator without these core safety features, a replacement is imminent. 

Call Immediately If Your Elevator Needs Service 

If you hear any new noises, like squeaking or squealing, stop using your elevator and call us immediately. These sounds indicate that there might be loose and broken cables or pulleys. It’s also a red flag if the residential elevator has improper alignment with the floor when it stops. It would be best never to assume that minor problems can’t turn into more significant, costlier issues. Most importantly, your safety should be a top priority. 

When You Hire Preferred Elevator, It’s the Best Way to Improve Home Elevator Safety 

Our team of talented, educated, well-trained, and thorough technicians will walk you through how to use your elevator safely. They will explain all of the elevator’s emergency backup features. You can rest assured that Preferred Elevator puts safety and high-quality products, and reliable installation first. Whatever questions you have about home elevator safety, any of our representatives will be glad to answer them. 

Preferred Elevator: We’re On the Up and Up!

For over a decade, Preferred Elevator has served residents in Central Maryland, Baltimore, and Washington, DC. You can rely on our experienced home installation team and quality products.

For our commercial elevator clients, we also provide annual inspections of your equipment to adhere to standards established by the state of Maryland. During these inspections, we make sure that your commercial mobility product is functioning correctly and efficiently. We’ll also go over all safety devices and customized features offered within your plan!

Get in touch with us! Our business hours are Monday-Friday 8 am -5 pm. Reach us by phone at 410-238-2555, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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    Preferred Elevator

    • 7110 Golden Ring Road
      Suite 102
      Essex, MD 21221
    • Phone: 410-238-2555
    • 24/7 Emergency Service
    • Business Hours:
      Monday–Friday: 8am–5pm
    • MHIC #123888
    • Elevators Contractors License #1186
    • DC License #ELC1300867